The Ultimate Mardi Gras Guide: New Orleans Louisiana 2025!

Mardi Gras 2025
  • January 24, 2025

A colorful, insane, and deeply enchanting festival of 2025 is back! In the soul of New Orleans, Mardi Gras 2025 is undoubtedly one of the most awaited events. So, if you are looking for everything about this iconic festival, then this blog has everything. Let’s dive into its history, traditions, events, & more……!!

“We don’t hide crazy, we parade it down the street.”

Everything To Know About Mardi Gras 2025 

Undoubtedly, travelers are keen to enjoy the upcoming crazy festival in New Orleans. The Mardi Gras 2025 Date is Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Here is everything about this event to celebrate it right. 

The Basics of Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras in French means “Fat Tuesday” and this represents the vibrant season of carnival celebration. Every year, Mardi Gras season begins on January 6, the Twelfth Night which represents the Christian holy day of Epiphany. 

This Mardi Gras New Orleans 2025 season represents a time of celebration from January 6 and March 4, during which you can enjoy parades, community celebrations, and much more. 

The History of Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras was started in New Orleans when Iberville stood on the land in 1699. Since then, Mardi Gras is full of unique traditions.  

Mardi Gras 2025

Mardi Gras balls began in the 1700s and still exist with joyful activities. At the Twelfth night ball, a king cake is cut and the one who found the bean will be hosting the next ball. This continues till the evening of Mardi Gras. These days balls are linked with parades or organizations. 

Mistick Krewe of Comus conducted the first ball in 1857. This was followed in 1872 by Rex, which debuted as the king of Mardi Gras. The Rex parade officially gave Mardi Gras, the color purple representing justice, green representing faith, and gold representing power. These three colors represented the “king”. 

In 1872, the city of New Orleans was struggling with reconstruction. To help the city grow in tourism, Rex emphasized gathering & celebrating Carnival in New Orleans. And from that time, the Mardi Gras carnival became a highlighted tourist attraction. 

To learn more about Mardi Gras 2025’s history & traditions, travelers can even visit the museums around. 

What is Lundi Gras?

Lundi Gras, generally means Fat Monday in French, and it is a day before Mardi Gras 2025. Thus, Lundi Gras is on March 3, 2025. Some parades including Orpheus and Proteus roll that night. The daytime is filled with festive celebrations and lunches, including the creative Red Beans Parade. And the historical fact is that Zulu and Rex meet on this day.  

When is the best time to go to Mardi Gras?

It is definitely joyful to be in New Orleans throughout the Mardi Gras season, but the biggest celebrations begin one week before Mardi Gras Day. A marathon of parades rolls every night and prior to the week, various parades roll in neighborhoods across the city. 

During this time, the number of travelers has doubled, so make sure you get a USA visa appointment from the UK soon. 

Mardi Gras in the USA is a free event and needs no tickets to see the incredible parades. Only balls are invitation-based or ticketed. You can buy the passes to watch parades, located on the routes. While this can be a unique experience for travelers where they are standing right near their hotels and watching these amazing parades. 

The most famous historic parades include Proteus on Lundi Gras. The largest parades are Endymion which takes place on Saturday and Bacchus on Sunday. Others are Muses, Tucks, etc. 

Where is it held? Where should I stay?

Finding where to stay during Mardi Gras? This depends on the choice of travelers, depending on what they are interested in seeing and doing there. Although parades roll in every corner during this time, the biggest route is from Napoleon Avenue down Saint Charles Avenue to Canal Street in the Central Business District.   

It is difficult to get around during Mardi Gras, so biking or walking are really the best options. When it comes to staying during this, you can book the hotel along the route – Canal Street or St. Charles Avenue. And yes, book the accommodation fast to avoid cancellations. 

This Mardi Gras 2025, just get along with this place and experience the things that you have never seen. 

Mardi Gras Krewes

Krewes represents the members of various organizations who celebrate this season through exciting balls and parades. Each krewe has its unique traditions and rich history. Some parades are for men only, some are for women only, and others are open to all. 

These krewes have a captain who leads the organization and also has courts which have a king, maids, queen, and dukes. They are usually non-profit entities and financed by fundraising. 

Mardi Gras 2025 Parade Schedule

Parades roll through New Orleans throughout this festive season, but the most exciting ones happen on specific days. 

So, to know exactly when they will happen, you need to check the schedule. To help you enjoy your parades well, we have given below the PDF of the whole Mardi Gras parade schedule.

Check Here – Mardi Gras parade schedule

What is Rex?

The Rex organization was founded in 1872 and it conducted the second parade. This is the longest parading organization which is also credited for creating Mardi Gras royalty: Rex & queen!  

Rex is the king, so he is regarded as the King of Carnival. You can even spot the homes of kings and queens by the Rex flags. This organization is also credited with giving the Mardi Gras official three colors and royal anthem. 

What is Zulu?

Zulu has been a social club since the early 1900s. Social clubs are generally for financial help for the members of the African American community. The club created a Mardi Gras day parade which first rode in 1915, but the major routes like Canal Street did not appear until 1968. Before then, the parade only runs through “back streets” only.  

The official costume of the members of Zulu is black face paint, wigs, and skirts. From the beginning, the members used to throw the coconuts and today as per safety concerns, coconuts are handed down instead of thrown. Earlier they were painted with specific colors including gold, silver, and black, but now they use elaborate designs and colors. Undoubtedly, the parade’s success is due to the contribution of the community. 

Zulu rolls around at 8AM on Mardi Gras 2025, so if you don’t want to miss any of its activities, then come early. 

Smaller Neighborhood Celebrations and Parades in Mardi Gras

Indeed, Mardi Gras is a true choice when it comes to unique celebrations. Along the countryside, you will witness everything from the Northside Skulls and Bones Gang to satirical floats pulled by horses. Other unique things are the tiny shoebox floats Rex parade and Krewe of Chewbacchus. 

And the exciting thing you would see is the dogs who parade alongside their owners as a part of the magical krewe. 

What are Mardi Gras throws?

Have you heard about the throws in Mardi Gras? This is often considered as anything thrown by Krewe members during the parade. Generally, throws include doubloons, toys, cups, beads, etc. Confused about doubloons? Doubloons are colorful aluminum coins that are stamped with the parade’s organization’s name. 

Mardi Gras 2025

There are also signature throws of several krewes like the Muses show or coconuts. Viewers can catch the items from a float by making eye contact with the thrower and yell “Throw me something, Mister”! 

What is Mardi Gras Masking? Do people wear specific costumes?

Masking is a unique tradition during Mardi Gras which was first worn to escape the society constraints. Today, float-riders are required to wear masks to create curiosity among the viewers finding who is in krewe. Float riders used to wear costumes matching their float’s theme. 

Parade-goers are also seen wearing masks which is not a compulsion, but a unique tradition. Costumes, are very common for the parade goers, as it makes the celebrations exciting. Costumes are generally encouraged on Fat Tuesday and don’t stress out as you can get these dresses comfortably from the local shops. 

Common questions asked about Mardi Gras

What is a Flambeaux

Beginning in 1857, flambeauxs were used in the parades and still they are used as a tradition. A flambeau is an iron pole which is used to lights fire and these are carried by the walkers. 

What is king cake?

King Cake is the official food for Mardi Gras 2025. This festive dessert is eaten for breakfast, snacks, and throughout the parades. This name is used from the Biblical story of three kings who bring gifts for baby Jesus. 

This cake is a blend of coffee cake and cinnamon roll with sugar. These are filled with cream for a delicious taste. For making it exciting, a plastic king cake is hidden inside the cake and whosoever finds that has to but the next cake. 

Are there Mardi Gras drinks?

In New Orleans, you can grab a drink and go on streets, and keep in mind to use the plastic cups, as glass bottles are strictly NO. 

Is Mardi Gras family-friendly?

Locals grow up seeing this crazy tradition, so Mardi Gras 2025 is absolutely family-friendly. For children, the uptown section between Napoleon Avenue and Jackson Avenue is recommended. 


In conclusion, New Orleans is one of the best known destinations for celebrating this upcoming Mardi Gras 2025. No matter what activity you choose, you can count in a joyful experience. 

Every traveler is free to join the parades, attend those exciting balls, enjoy the slice of king cake and participate in the unique traditions. But yes, being a UK traveler, the most important thing is to Apply for a USA visa from the UK. In excitement don’t forget to get it. Enjoy and celebrate wisely!!! 

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